Practically every country today has some sort of cult of democracy. But modern democracy, inherited from American Independence and the French Revolution, is a revolutionary democracy. This notion of democracy must be totally rejected, because it says that authority comes from the people and not from God. As a consequence, the legitimacy of laws also comes from the people, and not from God. If this is the case, what value do the ten commandments of God's law have? God says don't kill. Modern democracies in many countries say: “You can kill”. And so they legalize abortion and euthanasia. Who is right? The people and their representatives or God? The absurdity of modern democracy is obvious.
Another aspect of religious democracy is modern freedoms: freedom of worship, freedom of speech and of the press, freedom of teaching and freedom of conscience.
All these freedoms are condemned by the Church. Freedom of worship claims the right of all religions to enjoy state protection for their worship, preaching and other activities. This is contrary to Revelation, because a false religion has no rights. It can be the object of tolerance, but never of a right.
Freedom of the press is an equally absurd liberal principle. Even among the defenders of this freedom, we see a large number fighting their opponents, trying to silence them at all costs and by all means, contrary to their own principles. But the worst thing is this very principle, which is also condemned by the Church, because only the truth and the good can enjoy the freedom to be propagated by the press and the word. The modern world doesn't understand this condemnation, because the modern world doesn't believe in the Church. Europe, whose mission was to be the light of the world, is falling more and more into complete apostasy. Being in apostasy, it neither accepts nor understands that the Church condemns freedom of the press and of speech.
Freedom of teaching is based on the same principle. That man can say or teach whatever he wants. Today's universities are centers for the dissemination of all kinds of errors, just like the modern press and all means of communication. There is a just freedom of research, of investigating the facts, but there should be no freedom to teach what is contrary to Revelation.
Freedom of worship is another freedom with which revolutionaries seek to destroy the faith of Catholic countries. The liberals at the Second Vatican Council managed to get the Decree on Religious Freedom passed, going against the Church's condemnations.
All this has meant that modern democracy is based on revolutionary principles. Revolutionary and false.
Both Brazil and the countries of South America, as well as the USA and the countries of Europe, follow these false doctrines. As long as these countries follow these false doctrines, they will not have true peace, they will not have a just social life and they will never deserve to be called civilized countries, even if their finances are doing well.
It is not without reason that St. Pius X chose the motto “Instaurare Omnia in Christo”. Without this restoration, the world will become more and more lost.
We must await this restoration from the Mediatrix of all graces.
+ Thomas Aquinas O.S.B.