“If in every city, if in every town the law of the Lord is faithfully fulfilled; if there is respect for sacred things, if there is attendance at the sacraments, if everything pertaining to Christian living is observed, it will no longer be necessary, venerable brethren, that we work more than that to see everything restored in Christ”.
Saint Pius X - E Supremi Apostolatus, nº 34
Colégio São Bento & Santa Escolástica
More than two decades ago, Dom Tomás de Aquino founded the Colégio São Bento e Santa Escolástica. Over the years, it has sought to coordinate the efforts of the monastery's monks, families, and friends to offer a complete Catholic education. Aware of the vital need for teaching following the principles of the Holy Catholic Church, the objective is to educate the faithful's children and young people and provide an excellent intellectual formation. Of course, academic studies are essential, but the spiritual life and protecting our students' souls are most important. Being a part of monastic history, the instruction of souls is an office very dear to the Benedictine Order, the vocation to pray, work, and, we might add, study.
It took great effort to build the school, and it was mainly thanks to the generosity of local and international collaborators that the institution took shape. Help came from all over, and the active participation of the parents made its building a success, especially with the maternal encouragement of Mrs. Maria Tereza Muniz (in memorian). In 1997, plans began to design the school's first hall, suitable for the capacity of that period and with a few rooms that would divide primary school classes according to their grades. In 1998 the college was inaugurated following the final authorization in the same year.

In the early 2000s, the school was small, but an increase in the number of students required the monks to return to work and build a new pavilion. The increased capacity allowed the college to serve the local community and provide an opportunity to offer additional resources such as a library, a storeroom et al.
After more than twenty years of operation, the certainty remains that the Providence of God never abandons its children. The reward for the monks, teachers, and parents' hard work was to provide quality education.
To continue the work, we appeal to the charity and generosity of all. Anyone who wants to help us can do so by sponsoring a student or by donating. God and His Holy Mother will abundantly repay your generosity for such an important cause!