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For greater
God's glory

Inspired by the Holy Rule , we dedicate ourselves diligently to guarding the Deposit of Faith, praying and working in order to correspond to the divine mandate.

With the help of Our Lord, we will continue to strive to spread the Holy Gospel in Brazil, continuing the good fight started by D. Marcel Lefebvre and D. Castro Mayer.

Photo: Priestly Ordination of Brother Dom João da Cruz,

in a ceremony held in 2023. .

Your donation spreads the Catholic Faith

Your continued generosity helps us to send our priests all over Brazil.

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The Holy Cross Monastery is a Benedictine religious community that maintains the letter of the Holy Rule and the internal customs as bequeathed to us by the millenary history of the Order of Saint Benedict. We pray and work above all to honour God, following the monastic spirit "that in all things God may be glorified", "Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus".

Bishop Marcel Lefebvre's consecration

D. Marcel Lefebvre and his foundation

For every time of crisis, God raises up valiant defenders for his Church. Faced with the Second Vatican Council, licitly called World War III by so many thinkers, the courage of some bishops to denounce errors and keep intact the Sacred Deposit of Faith must be considered essential so that the Mass of Always can have its continuity.

One of these valiant bishops was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

D. Castro Mayer, the Lion of Campos

Brazil was blessed with countless bishops who defended the Holy Tradition in the face of conciliar liberalism, coordinated around Coetus Internationalis Patrum.

And if our country was graced at that historic moment, once again it would be with the history of the Diocese of Campos dos Goytacazes and its courageous bishop, D. Antônio de Castro Mayer, prelate who until his death remained firm in defending the Catholic Doctrine of Always .

D. Castro Mayer.jpg
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